Being you is your superpower.

Hello, dear friend!

Thank you for visiting my page. I hope you will enjoy my blog and if it leaves you at least with a feeling or a thought, brings you joy or even helps or inspires you I will know that it was worth publishing. Because to express oneself is the greatest freedom one could achieve. 

Starting a blog is one of my dreams come true. I have been working on myself for several years now, learning and embracing self-love. My ultimate goal is to become the best version of myself and living life to my fullest potential. Sometimes I manage to do it and other times I fall on the floor just to get back up and try again next day.  

I would love to share my thoughts with you. Writing about what I have been through on my self-development journey, about life, about love and about things everyone is experiencing inside but no one is talking about out loud. In the end we might find out that we are not all alone in this ;)  

My life experiences have made me who I am now and I am grateful for all of them. I have learned to accept my past to be able to love myself now. And if I could do it, you can do it too, because being you is your superpower ;)

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